Compare proportions for two or more groups in the data ... hypothesis and Alt. hyp. the alternative hypothesis; diff is the difference between the sample proportion for two groups (e.g., 0.635 - 0.441 = 0.194). ... Multiple comparison adjustment.
Important: Your data might not be in a suitable form (e.g. percentages, proportions) for the test you need. ... Use this test if you want to compare several treatments. ... These procedures are used for looking at the relationship between different .... Here, let's consider an example that tests the equality of two proportions against the alternative that they are not equal. Using statistical notation, we'll test:.. 15.2 Association studies. Consider the paper “Outcomes of Ethnic Minority Groups with Node-Positive, Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer in Two Tertiary Referral ... 939c2ea5af